2 min read

How to Create a Consistent Brand Voice Across Social Platforms

Published on
January 29, 2024
Phoenix Baker
Product Manager
Lana Steiner
Product Designer
Drew Cano
Frontend Engineer
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We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.” This is true for brand voice, an important element in branding that should complement your logo and visual identity. Your audience may not remember what you post daily, but they would remember your brand’s personality slash unique identity.

Because of a unified and consistent brand voice, Nike is now known as a brand that is positive and assertive. Spotify keeps its audience engaged by its humour and casual tone. Duolingo has developed a fun character out of its green owl mascot, making their posts animated and personified.

With various platforms offering unique ways to engage with audiences, maintaining a unified voice across them can be challenging but crucial for creating a strong brand presence.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of a consistent brand voice and provide actionable tips for achieving coherence across diverse social media channels.

Define Your Brand Voice

Before diving into social media, it is essential to clearly define your brand voice. Consider your brand personality – is it friendly, professional, humorous, or authoritative? Outline key characteristics that reflect your brand and resonate with your target audience. This will serve as a foundation for crafting consistent messaging.

One way of defining your brand voice is to study your company’s vision, mission, and goals. Are they woven together or are they entirely disconnected? It is also important to check whether your brand messaging across your social media platforms is consistent. 

Know Your Audience on Each Platform

Different social media platforms attract diverse audiences with distinct preferences and behaviours. Spotify for example, understands the demographics and communication style of their platform's user base. The brand does well with their localised content – they tailor their messaging to align it to the preferences of their audience by using local language, talking about the top artists in the respective country, and using info relevant to the current events of the country. Meanwhile, they have a consistent style of messaging across all platforms and all countries – fun, engaging, and humorous in a way that it doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Adapt, Don't Copy

While maintaining consistency, allow for some flexibility to adapt your messaging to suit each platform. What works on Twitter may not be as effective on Instagram. We can learn from brands like Gmail when it comes to knowing what features to use on each platform and when to use them. Gmail uses polls on Twitter to engage with their audience but on Facebook, this is not  a very common feature to use for brands. Make use of each platform's unique features and tailor your content to fit them and the audience expectations while staying true to your brand voice.

Use Visuals to Reinforce Your Voice

In addition to written content, visuals play a significant role in brand communication. Ensure that your visual elements – from graphics to images – align with your brand voice. Spotify’s modern and minimalist logo aligns well with the contemporary vibe of their brand messaging. Consistency in both brand voice and visuals reinforces your brand identity and makes it instantly recognizable.

Monitor and Analyze

Regularly monitor the performance of your content on each platform. Analyze audience engagement, feedback, and metrics to refine your approach. Adapt your strategy based on the platform's dynamics and your audience's responses to maintain a relevant and consistent brand voice.

Brand voice is an important component in creating a brand personality. Crafting it and making it consistent across social media platforms is a continuous process that requires strategic planning and adaptation. By understanding your brand, knowing your audience, and creating a flexible yet cohesive strategy, you can establish a strong and memorable presence across diverse social channels.

You may stand out because of a great logo and impactful visual elements, but your audience continues to follow you because they like your brand values and following your brand means they would keep seeing the values and personality they like being manifested in your brand’s messaging. Consistency builds trust, fosters loyalty, and sets the foundation for long-term success in the ever-evolving landscape of social media. And in the world where more content is being generated by AI, the more important it is to personalise how your brand communicates with your audience.

Birkley offers a wide range of brand messaging services, from website copy to email marketing campaigns and social media ads. 

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